We are Planting 10 Avocado Trees in Every Schoolyard in Accra, Ghana

Fossil remains indicate that avocado trees have been here for over a million years. An avocado tree can live for hundreds of years. Each tree produces hundreds of seeds encased in a superfood. Eating superfood avocados on a regular basis will improve student’s nutrition and ability to focus.

We are in the process of planting ten superfood avocado trees in every schoolyard in Accra (the capital) then all schools in Ghana West Africa. We teach agroforestry and every year the trees bear fruit/food in the form of seeds. The lesson is the same for thousands of years. Children learn how to sprout an avocado pit. The thousands of avocado pits from schoolyards make their way out to the villages once the children understand the power of germination.

Every tree has economic and environmental lessons for children everywhere. Next time you are out running think that every step plants an avocado pit that can become a tree. Over 100,000 avocados from one properly planted tree/planted footstep. Please help humanity cultivate avocados for another 5,000 years. Feeding school children superfood for 20 generations with one used athletic shoe is a very high rate of return. Your one tree can spawn thousands of Avocado trees from one schoolyard across Africa.

Your used athletic shoes are creating a model for the planet. Enjoy superfood from trees.

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