How One Pair of Shoes Becomes 5,000 Mangoes – July 2018 Update

Did you know that 10% of your donated shoes will become mango trees?

Dear Green Friends,

In 5 years, one Mango tree begins producing 200 to 300 mangos annually. Mango trees live up to 300 years. In 300 years, one mango tree will produce between 65,000 and 100,000 mangos.

In Ghana, there is almost no refrigeration and the window between picking and eating is less than a week in Ghana…very hot. As part of our training, we will introduce solar-powered fruit dryers with no moving parts that can be assembled in Ghana. Think tonnage of dried mango strips with a shelf life of months. Tree candy instead of refined sugar will save a few teeth in Ghana where dentists are hard to find, and nobody can afford.

As many as 100,000 mango pits could leave the schoolyard and become mango trees across Ghana. With 10 percent of the million trees we plant in Accra across the coming years, one pair of used athletic shoes could evolve into 100,000 mango trees from that first tree paid for with your used shoes.

So, in theory across 300 years, just one pair of used athletic shoes could become five Billion (yes billion) mangos. One pair of used athletic shoes can feed kids fresh fruit for 15 generations.

So really one pair of used athletic shoes could potentially become 5 billion mangos instead of 5,000 Mangos. Either way, you are loved and paying it far forward. Your gift keeps giving, and giving, and giving. Trees breath life.

In 5 years, one mango tree begins producing 200-300 mangos annually. Mango trees live up to 300 years. The school children will enjoy this most popular fruit in Africa between classes. In 300 years one Mango tree will produce between 65,000 and 100,000 Mangos. Yesterday, I priced Mangos at Whole Foods at $1.50 each. In Ghana, there is almost no refrigeration and the window between picking and eating is less than a week in Ghana..very hot!

As part of our training, we will be introducing solar-powered fruit dryers with no moving parts and can be assembled in Africa. Think tonnage of dried Mango strips with a shelf life of months. Tree candy instead of refined sugar will save a few teeth in Ghana where dentists are hard to find and nobody can afford. As many as 100,000 Mango pits could leave the schoolyard and become Mango trees across Ghana. With 10 percent of the Million trees we plant in Accra across the coming years, one pair of used athletic shoes could evolve into 100,000 Mango trees from that first tree paid for with your used shoes. So in theory across 300 years, just one pair of used athletic shoes could become five Billion (yes billion) Mangos.

One pair of used athletic shoes can feed kids fresh fruit for 15 generations. Instead of loaves and fish, your athletic shoes become billions of Mangos across time. So really one pair of used athletic shoes could potentially become 5 billion Mangos instead of 5,000 Mangos. Either way, you are loved and paying it far forward. Your gift keeps giving, and giving, and giving. Trees breathe life.

Thank you for your generous support!

June 2018
Top Donors


8 Boxes!

  • Ragged Mountain Running

7 Boxes

  • Fleet Feet Sports Knoxville
  • Asics America Corporation

6 Boxes

  • Pacers Alexandria
  • Fleet Feet Sports Northfield

5 Boxes

  • Fleet Feet Sports Hartford
  • Fleet Feet Sports Carrboro
  • Metro Run & Walk Springfield
  • Pacers Arlington

4 Boxes

  • Washington Sports Clubs North Bethesda
  • Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA
  • Vertical Runner Hudson
  • iRun Phoenix
  • JackRabbit Sports Brooklyn
  • YMCA North Facility – Lacrosse
  • San Francisco Running Co Mill Valley
  • Runner’s Corner
  • Fairmount Running Company

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