
Soccer Championship In Oropoli

MORE Foundation Group sponsors a variety of teams and groups with the used athletic shoes that are donated along with more than one million tree seeds planted across Honduras every year. Fortunately, this year one of the five Honduran soccer teams MORE...

Tree Seed Donation for 3 Organizations

Municipalidad de Siguatepeque (Local Counsil Uma) Horticultural Cooperative of Siguatepeque (Cohorsil) Honduras Coffee Institute (IHCAFE)
140,800 Tree Seeds to Coapihl

140,800 Tree Seeds to Coapihl

Recently, MORE give a tree seed lot of 140,800 tree seeds to Coapihl - Honduras. They are going to a honey producers co-op. Setro is providing 50% tree seed donation and will continue supporting your program with the next donation to Cohorsil. The photo is with Mr....

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357,000 Tree Seeds Donated to COHORSIL

357,000 Tree Seeds Donated to COHORSIL

The MORE Foundation Group has donated 357,000 tree seeds to COHORSIL in January 2015. Our recipient, COHORSIL, is a major farmer’s co-op located in Honduras. We donated these seeds to COHORSIL since they are an established organization that offers a wide range of...

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Shoes and Soccer Balls Donation in Oropoli, Honduras

Shoes and Soccer Balls Donation in Oropoli, Honduras

Soccer shoes were generously donated to us by the Soccer Coaches of America, and YMCA's of America. MORE Foundation shipped 150 pair to orphanages in Honduras, along with 350,000 tree seeds for reforestation. We are working with youth groups to teach the value of...

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